nRoll- Check if roll data has transferred to CEVN server

Keywords: AGDoE, CEVN, roll data, verify 

If a message was emailed to you from CECV regarding no roll data received, simply go to the menu:

  • nRoll Setup> AGDoE Report.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the link  ‘Initiate Immediate Data Transfer to CECV (only use if instructed)’.
  • Wait and see if the manual ‘push’ was successful.
  • If an error was received, please address the issue  in the warning message.

To verify your data to that on the CEVN site, there are 2 options available.

  • Print the daily school roll for each day and manually tally


  • In the same menu section as above, under the AGDoE report section, select the date range required.
  • Select to view the  data via PDF or CSV.